Saturday, January 20, 2007

I Like Her... I Want To Be Her!!!!

P.S. I'm curios about how it would be, to be Female; that is, a HOT young woman.... But don't get me wrong, I would never change my sex or do any other crazy thing!!!! I'm a straight man with this fantasy :) I simply wouldn't mind experiencing what it would be like to be a HOT young female.


Silversith said...

Hell, even I'd like to have a bod like that! :) =^.^=

Sílvia said...

I like the wings... but my style is more diabolic...

Abingdunne Marseilles via Magic Mountain said...

Dude. Update the blog. I don't want to be a girl, but I do want to see a few. Rob pics from Flickr or something. UPDATE!